Check Out New Artist Dasha And Her Song That's Taking Over The Internet

If you use social media then you've definitely heard the song 'Austin' by Dasha. The song, and the line dance it's inspired, are everywhere. We can't open Instagram or TikTok without seeing someone dancing along to it. So, who is this Dasha?

She's originally from San Luis Obispo, CA and went on to Belmont University in 2018. She spent two years there and learned a lot, but ultimately decided to drop out when school closed down during the pandemic. In that moment she doubled down on music and really leaned into it.

That's the very basic background. You can find out more about her RIGHT HERE.

Her song 'Austin is blowing up on social media and it's heading out to radio. It won't be long before you hear it on WPOC. She's having a special moment right now and even got on Kimmel.

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