Confident people use THESE phrases often

Portrait of a confident mature businesswoman working in a modern office

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It can be a fine line to be confident without coming off as rude. But there is a way for you to stand your ground and be assertive all while being gracious. How? Here are seven powerful phrases that confident people frequently use to convey their point all while still gaining the respect of others.

  1. “I see where you’re coming from and I disagree”
  2. “I appreciate the offer, but I’m afraid I’ll have to decline”
  3. “I’m a bit preoccupied at the moment. Can we revisit this at another time?”
  4. “I need some time to think this over”
  5. “I’d like to hear your thoughts, but please allow me to finish speaking”
  6. “Thank you for your input, I’ll take it into consideration”
  7. “Let’s find a solution we’re both happy with”


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