You can Hot Tub soak and get the same benefits from running!

Big luxury hot tub tub

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A study conducted by Coventry University suggests that soaking in a hot tub for half an hour provides similar health benefits to a 30-minute jog.

The research involved 20 healthy participants and measured various health parameters, including heart rate, blood pressure, blood flow, anxiety, cortisol levels, mood, and thermal perception.

After three half-hour sessions in a Lay-Z Spa Majorca Hydrojet Pro, participants experienced a 345% increase in blood flow to their legs, equivalent to the effects of a 30-minute jog. Heart rates increased by an average of 31 beats per minute, similar to a brisk walk, while blood pressure decreased significantly, providing potential benefits for those with heart disease. Additionally, salivary cortisol levels, a stress indicator, dropped by 22%, resembling the effects of exercise.

Source: The U.S Sun

Photo: Getty Images

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