Some advice for Genz from 90's Babies

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When it comes to “been there, done that,” ‘90s babies were literally just where Gen Zers are now.

Redditor u/Ok-Trifle-1844 asked fellow Redditors 30 and over to share their best advice for those in their early 20s. Here’s what they had to say.

  • "If you wouldn't ask for advice from someone, don't take criticism from them, either. Their opinion doesn't matter."
  • "Learn how to cook. No one's asking you to be a top chef, but cooking is a great life skill to have, and it's way cheaper and healthier than eating out all the time."
  • "Don't keep toxic people in your life just because you have good memories with them. Friendship is a two-way street — it's a mutual giving. If this person tears you down, makes jokes at your expense, and doesn't contact you unless they want or need something, get rid of them. I had so many toxic friends in my early 20s that took me way too long to get rid of."
  • "Don't get married yet. In your early 20s, you have no idea who you actually are and what's really important to you. Give yourself some time to come into yourself."
  • "It's okay to keep things private and live offline. As you get older, you might regret how 'open' you were with the world."
  • "Appreciate your body and whatever imperfections you think you have! It's way easier said than done but try not to waste your 20s feeling insecure about things that you cannot, or are difficult to, change. You might look back one day and wish you had the body you have now, so enjoy it and wear what you want."

For even more, click HERE!

Source: Buzzfeed

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