May is for our Military-Heartbreaking remembering Staff Sgt. Chris DeLano  

National Guardsmen Staff Sgt. Chris DeLano lost three of his platoonmates to suicide so he worked to build a stronger network. In 2015, he received the Guard’s Seven Seals volunteer service award for his nonprofit organization, The Battle Starts at Home. On Jan. 29, 2021, DeLano published a note on Facebook. It was the “most honest thing” he could say, he wrote. “Don’t give so much of yourself to others that you have nothing left to hold onto for yourself.”

His fellow soldiers recognized the language. There was often a call out, a last-minute plea for help. They went to his house, hoping to find him still thinking about it or sleeping it off. By the time they arrived it was too late.......

A much more detailed story about the Staff Sgt can be found here Today we remember  Staff Sgt. Chris DeLano  

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