Did a Molson/Coors AD go too far?The National Advertising Division Says YES

Beer marketing has historically featured some of the most competitve, creative and sometimes edgy ads, but now The National Advertising Division has announced that Molson Coors has over-stepped guidelines compairing their product 'Miller Lite' to others accusing them of 'tasting like water'. Anheuser Busch, the makers of Bud Light weren't amused at the similiarity of a beer can used in the Miller Lte ad.

Anheuser-Busch, complained that a Miller Lite ad stating “light beer shouldn’t taste like water, it should taste like beer.” is misleading and should be removed from the airwaves. because it's “not puffery or a mere opinion.”

The 15-second spot, shows a cyclist opening a beer taking a break on his ride. Now while there are no brand names mentioned in the clip, it's obvious that the can is made to look like a Bud Light. The National Advertising Divison has ruled that customers might “reasonably expect that the statement is supported by such evidence.” What do you think? These two companies sure don't like each other do they? LOL

Since covering this story last week, I've now heard from Michael Goon, Director, Marketing Communications | Bud Light and has shared this Official statement.

Anheuser-Busch appreciates NAD’s thoughtful review and conclusion regarding Miller Lite's baseless advertising claims about light beer. True stewards of the beer industry should be working together to strengthen the beer category instead of resorting to misleading attacks that denigrate products enjoyed by millions of beer drinkers.” - Anheuser- Busch

The Bud Light - MIller Lite battle continues! Do you have a favorite in this dog fight? Comment here Michael J On Air

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