Tips for your Dog as it gets Hotter!

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Overheating symptoms vary, but all are red flags. According to the ASPCA, watch for signs such as:

·     Excessive panting or difficulty breathing

·     Increased heart and respiratory rate

·     Vomiting

·     Bloody diarrhea

·     Drooling

·     Mild weakness

·     Stupor or collapsing

Preventing Heat Exhaustion in Dogs

To protect your dog on hot, humid days, Susan Boeving, DVM, from Southlake Crossing Animal Clinic in Texas, suggests keeping these tips in mind:

·     Schedule walks and playtime for early morning or late evening when it's a bit cooler, or restrict activities to indoors.

·     Factor in your dog's breed and health. Flat-faced dogs and dogs that are older, overweight, or not acclimated to heat are at greater risk for heat exhaustion. Same goes for hairless dogs and dogs who have long, thick coats or short, thin coats.

·     When outside, take breaks in the shade. Encourage your dog to drink water as panting increases dehydration.

·     On hot days, swap walks for splashing around in a pet pool or let your dog run through the water sprinkler. Or better yet, find something fun indoors to do together for exercise.

·     Don't leave your dog in a car during hot weather.

"If your dog shows signs of overheating, move him to a cool space. Wet his body down with towels presoaked with cool—not cold or icy—water, and keep his head elevated so no water enters his nose or mouth," Boeving says. "Repeat this process until his temperature drops to 103 degrees. Avoid ice baths, ice packs, or cooling your pet too quickly. These practices can cause the blood vessels to constrict which actually slows heat loss."

Boeving advises giving your dog cool water to drink, but not an excessive amount (or he may vomit), and refraining from giving him aspirin or other human medications unless instructed by a veterinarian.

She also recommends calling your veterinarian or emergency animal clinic for additional guidance (like how to check for signs of shock) and then heading there for further help. Even if your dog seems better, he needs to be checked for internal damage, likely treated for lost fluids, and then monitored for complications.


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