Ladies, would ya kiss your man AFTER he Kissed THIS? Luke Bryan kissed one!

Luke Bryan posted "I’ve been waiting my whole life for this moment. 11.6 baby @aquatroyg @jccaney @lews_fishing @kevinvandamfishing @bassproshops" As you may know. Luke is an avid outdoorsman. Hunting and fishing are two of his most famous past times. As student of legendary fisherman Bill Dance. LUke says he's dreamed of catching a big one like this his whole life and he's finally done it. I gotta ask though was this in a stocked pond or did he really catch this big un' in the wild. A little hard to tell but this video clip is hysterical none the less.

Luke put his catch on the scale and then gave it a BIG KISS on the lips before releasing it to gain even more girth! LOL Go Luke! -MJ

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