17 year old builds desks for FREE to donate to kids in need!

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Without access to the desks students take for granted in the classroom, this school year has become alot more challenging. Forced to try to keep up with classes from home, many needy families have found they don't have the means to run out and buy new desk furniture even if they were able to find a store who has it in stock!

Colby Samide to the rescue! This 17 year old from Purcelville in Northern Virginia decdicated himself this Summer to constructing 40 free desks for underprivileged kids. He even got recognized by PEOPLE Magazine. Colby told People "It’s sad knowing there are kids that can’t afford them."

I personally know about the demand for desks with two teen myself who are distance learning this semester and my wife ordered a desk for our daughter Hope. It arrived in pieces and took about three hours to put together. Fortunately, we're in a position that we can afford to buy a desk but lots of families aren't so lucky. That's what makes this story so touching.

With the increased demand, stores everywhere have been selling out making student desks totally unobtainable for many so Colby decided to step up. He raised over $4,000 in less than two weeks and built 100 desks with help from volunteers! Now Colby is being recognized by media outlets all over the world! Congrats Colbie for making a difference! -Michael J

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