While it's amusing to see reactions from all of these kids being told, "Mommy ate all your candy", I have to ask, are these parents doing more harm than good to their parenting dynamic? While we are trying to build trust with our kids and get them to feel that they can tell us anything and confide in us and share their problems with us, aren't these parents instilling the exact opposite in their little impressionable brains. Seems counter-productive to me. Kids are given so many mixed messages, it's no wonder they are confused. The same parents that say "tell the truth" are turning around and pranking their kids for a reaction.
What would be REALLY funny is if they kids could convince their parents that while the PARENTS were sleeping, the kid decided to take the car keys and drive their car and they're terribly sorry about the "little accident" ! There is #Karma in these pranks. Don't forget it.