Rudest state in America?? Where is Maryland on this list?

Congratulations, New York …You are the least friendly state in America. Yep, according to asurveyby travel site Big 7, New York is dead last on the friendly state list. On the other end of the scale is Minnesota – the friendliest state in the nation. 

I'm not really surprised to see that so many of the friendliest states are in the South! We are known for our hospitality down here!

Here are the Top 5 Friendliest States:

  1. Minnesota
  2. Tennessee
  3. South Carolina
  4. Texas
  5. Wyoming

And the Top 5 Least Friendly States:

  1. New York
  2. Arkansas
  3. Delaware
  4. Massachusetts
  5. New Jersey

Maryland ranks 27th as the most friendly....not bad...half way down!

[Big 7]

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