Laurie DeYoung Couldn't Put This Book Down, So She Wanted to Share!

I think it's rare to find a book you like reading so much that you just don't want to put it down. Someone recently described that kind of book like a good friend who you always look forward to being with. Last week, I had a few days off so I decided to buy a book that I had just read a rave review about and it didn't disappoint. Maybe You Should Talk To Someone, is written by Lori Gottlieb, a therapist, who at the time she was writing the book was also seeing a therapist. Why? The man she was planning to spend her life with suddenly decides he can't go thru with it. This is a startling new reality, and certainly not at all how Lori envisioned her future. In her desperation to try to understand what went wrong she does what a lot of people do when they're in crisis, she goes to see a therapist, someone recommended by a friend. The book goes back and forth between her sessions seeing her therapist Wendell and the sessions she has with her own clients. Obviously the names are changed but their circumstances are all very real and you'll be fascinated by the process of how Lori's clients come to better understand themselves and the things they want to change about their lives. Here are a couple of insights out of the book: therapists tell their patients, "Follow your envy, it shows you what you want." and in a paragraph on self punishment, this: "If we have a choice between believing one of two things, both of which we have evidence for, like, I'm lovable, I'm unlovable, often we choose the one that makes us feel bad." I gained some insight into human behavior after reading this book, mine included. I think it's been good therapy for me. I recommend it. 

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